SAN MATEO — Ding-Ding!
Tom Newman of San Mateo slapped his desk bell after finding someone who will donate money to oppose Proposition 8 and keep same-sex marriage legal.
Melissa Boucher happily did the same, garnering applause and "yays" from other volunteers seated at long tables, making their own calls at the phone bank set up by Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo.
"This issue, above all others, has impassioned me," Boucher, a Redwood City resident, said. "It's about treating our fellow citizens in California with equality, and not being hateful toward people."
The nightly goal for the "No on 8" campaign is to find 900 Northern California residents who plan to vote no Nov. 4, said Carol Cook of San Mateo, a member of the Unitarian Universalist congregation.
If passed, the measure would amend the state Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry.
Last week, the Connecticut Supreme Court legalized gay marriage.
Cook said more states will follow, and predicts the U.S. Supreme Court will step in and legalize same-sex marriage just as it allowed interracial couples to marry in 1967.
Right now, opponents of the measure are accusing the "Yes on 8" campaign of using misleading information.
For example, Laurie Carter, president of the San Jose/Peninsula chapter of PFLAG — Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays — said it's not true that Advertisementa church will lose its tax-exempt status if it refuses to perform a same-sex marriage. Nor would children be forced to learn about gay marriages.
"They are taking things and totally distorting facts," she said. "It's fear-mongering. They are not allowing people to make a decision based on facts."
The Rev. Vail Weller of the Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo said it is important to educate people. Clergy leaders are free to speak on initiatives without the threat of losing their tax-exempt status.
"People who love one another and are in a committed relationship and wish to marry should be able to do that," she said. "California currently grants that right to same-sex couples. We don't believe that right should be taken away. Our country is about freedom, tolerance and justice for all. It's a fundamental human rights issue."
Meanwhile,, a large coalition of Roman Catholics, evangelicals, Mormons and non-Christians, is actively endorsing the passage of Proposition 8 and has contributed millions of dollars to the cause.
For example, as of Monday, members of the Mormon Church in California have given $9.2 million dollars to support the coalition, according to
The coalition is organized by ZIP code and has sponsored walks through precincts, and phone calls from homes and businesses, said Roger Carter, state president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in San Francisco.
He said there are active groups in San Mateo and Belmont.
Boyd Smith, a Mormon, said domestic partnerships guarantee the same rights given to a married man and woman.
"The idea that (Proposition 8) takes away rights isn't true," the Palo Alto resident said. "Let marriage be about a man and a woman, about a procreational relationship, and let domestic partnership take care of the rest. Marriage should be a fundamental place where people have children and raise families."
Last Friday, TheCall, a Kansas City, Mo.-based cross-denominational group focused on prayer and fasting, held a pro-Proposition 8 rally at Jubilee Christian Center in San Jose. About 1,500 people gathered to pray for supporters of same-sex marriage at the megachurch. hoping they'll change their minds, said Lou Engle, founder of TheCall.
"We haven't publicly come out to endorse Proposition 8, but it's not a secret what we're standing for ... yes on 8," he said Tuesday. "God loves this state, and with his will, marriage will be sustained between a man and a woman. We're praying the influence of heaven will be on the hearts and minds of people in California."
The Rev. Larry Ellis of Pilgrim Baptist Church in San Mateo has seen "Yes on 8" stickers in the reception area, but hasn't voiced his opinions on the measure.
After being the congregation's pastor for 21 years, he said he doesn't need to.
"They know me," said Ellis, who said he believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
While he said he can't go against Scripture, or his own Baptist training, he tells his congregation it has an obligation to love and treat everybody right regardless of what they think and believe.
"You can still have your own convictions without compromise," Ellis said.
For information from both sides, visit and
Would you tell your kids that it's OK to take candy from an stranger?
Then why are California Evangelicals accepting this "help" from the Mormon "Church?"
This is an attempt for Mormons to gain a toehold in the CA Evangelical Community.
Don't be fooled! VOTE NO ON PROP 8 and make their plans for naught. We can address same-sex marriage later.
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